Fanfiction Addiction

Writerinmydreams007's blog for all things Twilight.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New additions to my fanfic recc's

I just wanted to quickly point out that I have added a few new stories to my list of reccomendations. Check them out!

Battle Wounds chapter 8 teaser!!!

I have only started to edit this chapter so a few things may change, so don't quote me word for word! But as it is, this is real. Enjoy!

She stopped talking and looked around nervously. She pulled her hands from her sides and clasped them tightly in front of her. I watched as she picked at her fingernails silently for what seemed like hours. Then she moved towards me and spoke.

“You are so withdrawn from people, so mean. I don’t know why but you don’t scare me anymore, you make me feel…safe.”

We were so close that all I had to do was lift my arms slightly to be able to reach her. I gripped her waist and pulled her to me. She let out a squeal as her body collided with mine. Her arms shot up and wrapped themselves around my neck, her fingers winding their way into my hair.

Happy Tuesday!