Fanfiction Addiction

Writerinmydreams007's blog for all things Twilight.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blood Lust new chapter teaser!!

Here's a glimpse of what happens in chapter 15!

Everything faded into the surroundings as I watched Bella’s motionless body slump onto the floor. Angela’s piercing scream pulled me from my haze and I jumped from my seat.

“Emmett!” I screamed as I fell to my knees next to her. All the surrounding tables and chairs flew through the air as Emmett cleared a space out around us. I had no thoughts or feelings as I looked down at my Bella, with her eyes shut and her face as white as a ghost.

I pulled Bella into my arms and leapt onto my feet. I heard Angela shout as the teacher moved to step out of my way. I didn’t give a shit about what he or anyone else had to say, I was getting her out of here.

Just to brighten your day... (and mine!)

Um, yeah...there really are no words!!

This man belongs on Cape Cod with me!!